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P Mate : Alat Pipis Cewek Untuk Berdiri

1 komentar
Sudah semakin gila aja dunia ini, kodratnya harus sambil jongkok eeh pingin sama kek cowok berdiri, inikah yang namanya Emansipasi ?

Women, you don’t have to be afraid of not having real toilet when p-mate is available you can pee anywhere just like men. This is extremely useful during camping, long hiking, or any other situation where you can’t seem to find restroom but you just desperately need to go.
P-mate is clean and hygienic urinating device that allow women to pee freely just like a man, standing up. Now women do not have to squat in privacy to pee - just wear P-mate and pee anywhere!

here’s a product description:

  • Made from recycled materials

  • Made of finely waxed cardboard

  • Quick, clean and leak-proof

  • Fits discreetly in pocket or purse

  • Shaped to the female body form

  • Urethra empties urine from the bladder into the cupped area.

  • And here’s how to use it:

  • Simply pop open the P-Mate and move your panties aside and place the cupped area under the flow area between your legs.

  • Have the funnel facing slightly downwards.

  • Relax and pee.

  • Dispose of in the garbage.

  • 1 komentar :

    1. emang kodratnya cewek pipis harus duduk ? tau dari mana ? apakah ada larangan dari agama kalo cewek pipis harus duduk ?


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